Maintain Your Family’s Oral Health

You comprehend the value of family oral care for your loved ones. Their health and happiness is your top concern. You wish to see their healthy smiles for several years to come, which is an excellent reason to visit your Dawley Park, KY family dentist at Harvey & Nichols Family Dentistry routinely.

Your oral health requirements will change throughout your life. We are prepared to help at every phase with our personal attention and variety of family dentistry services:

  • General Dental Care— Cleanings and exams are simply the start of what we can do to secure your smile. Oral sealants and fluoride treatments can help keep your family cavity-free. Plus, we supply gum services and dry mouth treatments.
  • Emergency Dentistry— No one wants to have an oral emergency situation, however you can rely on us if you or somebody you love does require immediate service.
  • Restorative Dentistry— When you have a dental problem, it’s most effective to repair or replace your teeth as soon as you are able. Choose any of our treatments to make your teeth and your smile whole again.
  • Dental Implants— You desire your replacement teeth to work as well as successfully as natural teeth. With these root replacements, you can be positive that you can consume the food that you want to consume.
  • Orthodontics— Straight teeth look appealing and are simple to keep clean and healthy. At our practice, teenagers and grownups can transform their smiles with clear aligners.
  • Cosmetic Dentistry— You can have the smile of your dreams! Whether you desire a complete smile transformation or an easy fix, we provide the type of services that can improve your smile.
  • Teeth Grinding Treatment— Millions of people clench and grind their teeth without realizing that they do. This can cause TMJ disorders and symptoms like jaw discomfort and regular headaches. A nightguard could be just what you need to stop the damage and get relief from your discomfort.

You or someone you appreciate may have difficulty going to the dentist due to dental stress and anxiety. This is why our sedation and comfort options and modern technology can be indispensable. Unwind and delight in virtually pain-free appointments with us!

Call 270-200-6225 today to make your consultation at Harvey & Nichols Family Dentistry. Bring your loved ones and their smiles to a family dentist near Dawley Park, KY who cares about your objectives. You can also schedule online.