Enjoy Your Smile With Whitening Treatment
We have different options for people who want to whiten their smiles or their teeth. One option, the easiest option is to do the home trays. You get 10 trays, so it’s a set of 10 trays. And usually by the fifth tray… You do it at night, of course, at home, between 20 and 25 minutes. The instructions are on there.
But usually, after the five, six trays, if you’re satisfied with it, you can keep the rest for, you know, next year or whatever. We also do in-house whitening. So with that, it’s about a couple of hours of appointment. We make sure your gums are protected. We do 15-minute intervals. So we place the material that we use on there, 15 minutes, we wash you out. We do another 15 minutes and another 15 minutes. So that’s three times.
And after that, we also send out these trays that we use for people who don’t want to do the in-house, of course, in addition to that to keep up with the whitening. And usually, that gets maybe two or three shades lighter than what you have. With any whitening goals that we have for our patients, we want to ask them, “Hey…” We show them the different shade guides that we have. “This is what your teeth look like now. How much do you want to go?” And then we go from there and come up with a plan.