Get Your Best Smile Quickly With Veneers
Veneers are indicated usually if, for instance, the color of your teeth, you don’t like it, they’re a little yellow or they’re not as straight. Of course, if we cross the line of having to need braces, that’s a different story. But in terms of veneers, it’s a very, very, very minimal preparation of your teeth. But that’s just if you’re like, “Okay, I’m not happy, it’s a little crooked here and there. I don’t want to necessarily get braces,” and that you are a good patient for veneers.
Basically, what we do is you come in, first appointment, we look at your smile, we ask you what do you want your smile to look like, do you want to mess with the color or do you want your color to be better or you just want it to look straight. Usually, we recommend canine-to-canine so that, you know, that’s where your smile line starts and begins, that’s what people see. So, I will say probably if it’s a chairside veneer, we can do two appointments. We see you for consultation, we talk about what you want, your goals, and then we bring you back the next day or whenever your appointment is. And that’ll probably take about three hours because we want to make sure it looks good. We want to make sure that as we’re doing in the process the chairside veneers, you are there with us, we’re showing you every step of the way and you can also say, “Hey, I want this to be this way.”
In terms of the lab veneers, that one takes a little bit more appointments, probably two to three appointments. And in the process of that, we also, while we’re waiting for the lab to come back two weeks later, we have these temporary veneers that we make for you. The people that we’ve done veneers on, they’re very, very surprised and happy. Of course, the veneer cases that we do are ones that, again, either very yellow teeth and the whitening doesn’t work for them, or again, can’t get braces but they’re good enough for veneers. They’re very, very happy, I would say. I think that the smile, again, when you talk to people, when you smile, that’s what people see, right? So I think their confidence really goes up another level. And I think that’s what, again, the most rewarding for us is seeing that in them. And it’s a lot easier and more fun for them going around and talking to people.