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Smile! Spring is one of the most popular seasons for walking down the aisle, and whether you’re in the bridal party or enjoying the occasion as a guest, the cameras will be everywhere. You’ll want to look and feel your best, especially when the camera turns your way.
Hurry to see your cosmetic dentist in Elizabethtown, KY so we can start making your smile look picture-perfect!
Hide small gaps, misshapen teeth, and other imperfections with tooth bonding or custom veneers. Lighten your teeth by several shades with pro whitening here in the office or in the comfort of your own home.
Or you can go all out with a total dental makeover, combining two or more cosmetic treatments for a smile transformation!
Whatever the reason, a beautiful smile is one of your best accessories any day of the year. So make sure it’s one you feel great about sharing.
Call Harvey and Nichols Family Dentistry today at one of our Elizabethtown, KY locations: 270-491-3768 for Lakewood or 270-200-6225 for Lincoln Trail. You can also schedule online.
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We can see you as soon as tomorrow!