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February is Gum Disease Awareness Month, which is why your Elizabethtown, KY dentists want to offer hope to anyone who has suffered the life-changing consequences of poor gum health, especially missing teeth.
Along with its association with a host of systemic health problems, gum disease is the number one cause of adult tooth loss, and when you’re the one facing life with slippery, unreliable dentures, it can feel pretty devastating.
That’s why we want you to know there’s a better alternative in tooth replacement. Check out today’s video to hear from Edward, one of our happy patients giving a firsthand account of the dental implant process and why he recommends our first-rate care.
Knowing you not only have options when it comes to bouncing back from tooth loss but that those options are designed to give you the same quality of life you’re used to is quite a comfort. And securing your replacement teeth to dental implants is as close as it gets to the real thing!
If you have missing teeth, come and explore your options! Call Harvey and Nichols Family Dentistry today at one of our Elizabethtown, KY locations: 270-491-3768 for Lakewood or 270-200-6225 for Lincoln Trail. You can also schedule online.
Visit Harvey and Nichols Family Dentistry
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