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Getting older affects your body in many ways. That includes your teeth and gums. Since September is Healthy Aging Month, it’s a good time to remind that keeping up with your smile care is especially important as you age.
Regular exams and cleanings are more important than ever. They allow your dentists to monitor your smile for age-related issues such as receding gums, dry mouth, and stained enamel. You’ll find some suggestions for preventing these problems in this short video from the American Dental Association.
Don’t let a lack of insurance keep you from seeing us every six months for checkups. For as little as $25 a month, you can join our membership club. The monthly fee covers the cost of exams and cleanings, and you’ll save 15 percent on our other services.
To schedule your next appointment, call Harvey and Nichols Family Dentistry in Elizabethtown, KY at 270-491-3768 Lakewood or 270-200-6225 Lincoln Trail.
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