If you thought that you just had to live with a less-than-perfect smile – think again. With dental veneers from Harvey and Nichols Family Dentistry you can achieve a flawless smile in as few as two visits. These thin shells, usually made from porcelain, bond to the front of imperfect teeth to help you: 

  • Look younger, healthier, and more attractive
  • Smile with more confidence when socializing
  • Make better first impressions
  • Boost your comfort level when dating

Don’t wait to get started on your new smile! Call us today at 270-491-3768 (Lakewood) 270-200-6225 (Lincoln Trail) 502-348-2589 (Proctor Family) 502-348-6404 (Osbourne Family Dental) for an appointment. You can also make an appointment online.

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